Sunday, 6 July 2014


ONE // job offer this week! The interview outfit in my previous post must have worked its charm because two days later I was offered the job and my student bank account is breathing a sigh of relief.

THREE // (at least) dips in our swimming pool. It's just been fixed and I've spent hours and hours in my swimwear in the last two weeks or so.

TWO // the number of nights in a row I watched Disney's Enchanted. One of my all-time fave Disney films: I love the songs and Amy Adams is brilliant.

FOUR // ripe mangos bought at the farmer's market. I've always had this funny little quirk of loving loving loving mango-flavoured things but not actually liking the taste of mango on its own. And then these four farmer's market mangos came into my life and nothing has been the same since. Slight exaggeration, perhaps, but I will now eat mangos on their own - huzzah!

TEN // glossy toes painted with O.P.I. A Good Man-darin is Hard to Find after a trip to the nail salon with my little sister Ruby (thank you, Mum!)

ONE // evening spent roasting marshmallows and sausages around a bonfire.

THIRTY-EIGHT // degrees centigrade, according to my phone's weather app last Saturday at the farmer's market.

SIX // mosquito bites. The less said about those, the better.

TWO // lovely treats made by moi in the kitchen. I come from a family of baking-enthusiasts (seriously, we're known for it) and I am now very used to the looks of disappointment on people's faces when I own up to the fact that I'm the odd duck of the family who doesn't enjoy being in the kitchen. In the last month or so, however, I've found myself trying out quite a few recipes - this week it was a no-butter no-sugar apple pie (meh) and a berry cheesecake (yum).

ONE HUNDRED // plus freckles that have cropped up on my face and arms during this week alone. My skin is looking suspiciously like summer, and I like it.


  1. El this is such a cute post!

    1. Thank you Vanessa - it was a fun one to write :)

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